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Elm Grove Primary School has an intake of 30 pupils each year and operates within the School Admissions Policy of West Sussex County Council which can be found here -  


Applications for a school place, whether 'starting school' for the first time, or an in-year transfer between schools MUST be made directly through the West Sussex County Council Admissions Team which operates an online and paper-based application system. If there are no school places at Elm Grove in your child's year group the Admissions Team also operates any waiting lists for the school.

The admissions authority for the school is West Sussex County Council. Applications for admission should be made to:

Pupils Admissions Office, Southern Area,
Centenary House, Durrington Lane,
Worthing, West Sussex
BN13 2QB
Phone: 03330 142 903
Fax: 01903 839214
Email: admissions.south@westsussex.gov.uk

If you have any questions about admissions then please contact West Sussex County Council Admissions Team.

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